Airline safety-style illustration isn't just for the back of airplane seats any more.

Whether you're looking to promote an event, a new product, or something less tongue-in-cheek, Custom Safety Cards has you covered.


Make your next project instantly recognizable as a parodied airline safety card and get people talking.

You'll have complete control over all aspects of your project. I'm just here to make it look good.


Fill out the contact form to request an estimate.

I'll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

"Fantastic work!"

–Nicola Andreasen, Red Bull UK

"It was an absolute pleasure working with you."

–Laura Cobb, Bumpercrop

"Thanks for the great work!"

–Analisa Payne, Pereira & O'Dell

"You'd be a great leader if you'd just apply yourself."

–My Mom